Neke od najvažnijih procena, sertifikati, licence i ostala dokumentacija koju poseduje spec.struk.inž.građ. Zoran Đurić
Najvažnije procene
Procena stambenog naselja bivše kasarne „Stepa Stepanović“ na Voždovcu
Zemljište oko auto puta Beograd-Zagreb
Zemljište i objekti u blizini IMT, Novi Beograd
Zemljište i objekti, Vojvođanska ulica, Novi Beograd
Zemljište blok 66 A, Blok 67A, Novi Beograd itd
Industrijsko zemljište u Kragujevcu
Sertifikati, licence i dokumentacija
1. Nacionalna licenca za vršenje procena vrednosti nepokretnosti
Licenca za procenitelja nekretnina
2. Recognised European Valuer - REV međunarodni sertifikat za procenitelje
Recognised European Valuer certificate
REV: The mark of excellence in real estate valuation
REV oznaka predstavlja oznaku jednog od najvećih prestiža u Evropi.
REV status is the mark of excellence in real estate valuation, demonstrating to international and local clients that the valuer is qualified to a consistent high European standard of practice. Since its inception it has been awarded by leading valuation associations across Europe.
The letters ‘REV’ enable cross-border real estate investors to identify local valuers qualified to a recognisable European level. This gives both large and small local valuation firms the opportunity to tap into the steadily increasing market for pan-European investor clients.
Yet REV’s greatest impact is on local clients. In times of economic uncertainty, local clients seek out professionals with special knowledge and experience who can help them make difficult investment and pricing decisions. Here, the competitive edge for REV valuers lies in their guaranteed minimum level of education and experience and the capacity to interpret global and local valuation impacts that comes from demonstrated familiarity with European Valuation Standards.
REV valuers display the initials ‘REV’ after their name on their business cards, are provided with a numbered REV impress stamp on their valuation reports and appear on the TEGoVA REV online register consulted by clients and practitioners from all over Europe.
3. NUPS potvrda - potvrda o članstvu u Nacionalnom Udruženju Procenitelja Srbije
Potvrda o članstvu u Nacionalnom Udruženju Procenitelja Srbije
4. Sertifikat ANVER - međunarodni sertifikat za procenitelja nepokretnosti
ANVER certificate
4. Zvanično rešenje o imenovanju za sudskog veštaka
5. Zoranova vizit karta i polisa osiguranja
Vizit karta procenitelja nekretnina i sudskog veštaka
Polisa osiguranja
Vama je potrebna procena nekretnine? Kliknite na dugme i zakažite je odmah.
Više o samom postupku procena, metodama procena i etičkom kodeksu procenitelja možete saznati klikom na dugme desno. Ukoliko želite da proverite akreditaciju Zorana Đurića ili vas zanima usavršavanje kao procenitelja, posetite oficijalni sajt ministarstva finansija: